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Manos torpes

Watch Awkward Hands (1970) : Streaming Online Peter is whipped (twice) and chased away from his sweetheart, but his rescuer leaves him with a Chinese master who teaches him how to seek revenge on his tormentors.


Production Company: Emat Cinematografica, Aitor Films

Release: May 18, 1970

Subtitle: english.png Germany.png france.png italy.png Spain.png Kroasia portugal Hungary ETC.

Production Countries: Italy, Spain

Quality: HD

Rating: 5.5

Casts: Peter Lee Lawrence, Alberto de Mendoza, Pilar Velázquez, Antonio Casas, Manuel de Blas, Antonio Pica, Luis Induni, Antonio Molino Rojo, Aldo Sambrell, Frank Braña, Lorenzo Robledo

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$100,000 for Ringo